Tuesday 10 April 2007

PK to Sail on the Edge

Episode 5 of the Kenny Chronicles...

I'm in the Bay of Islands NZ Northland in a B&B called 'The Retreat' with stunning views. I played at the Hamilton FF at a singer/songwriters concert and was well received, then jammed through the night with some awesome musicians. One guy played an ANZAC song called 'In Memoriam' - absolutely stunning.

They have a concept here which I've not seen before, it's called the 'Blind Date' Concert where on arrival anyone can put their name into a hat, superstars and all. Then it's drawn into groups of three or four at random. These groups are then given a two song spot the next day in the Blind Date Concert and have 24 hours to practice together. Some of the acts were brilliant and some were hilarious.

I'm about to book a couple of boat rides around the islands, one a huge speedboat 'The Excitor' and another in a catamaran 'The Edge'.

Brimming with lots of ideas for songs, see you all soon

1 comment:

Pete Willow said...

Paul's now back in Blightey. Welcome home!!