Sunday 1 April 2007

Paul Kenny eaten alive shock horror!

Episode 3 of the continuing adventures of our wandering banjo player. Will he survive the sand flies? Will Keith Donnelly survive the shock of seeing PK in the audience? (Click on the map to enlarge and follow PK's journey)

Hi guys

Decided after a couple of days in Christchurch not to go to Dunedin but across the pass to Greymouth on the west coast to help myself to another slice of paradise. Headed south west to view the glaciers and stopped the night at a backpackers hostel The Church just south of Ross.

$20 per night, not bad but it was by a river and the sand flies made a meal of me. Bought some insect repellent the next day and smell like a citronella candle.

Viewed the Franz Joseph and Fox Glaciers, they were awesome. Traveled down to Queenstown to view the Fiords but the weather closed in, mist and rain and it looked settled for a few days so decided to head north to Nelson, the sunshine City.

Stopped on the way at The Country Retreat, a four star, a planet removed from the backpackers. Arrived in Nelson the next day and sure enough it was hot. Stayed at a homestay and saw a great blues band at the Victorian Rose and ate at the Saltwater. With my new itinerary I'm on course to see Keith Donnelly tonight at The Mussel Inn, Golden Bay. Will he be surprised to see me!

I'll be staying in the Golden Bay area for the next few days, it's lovely and warm.

All the best

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