Thursday 26 July 2007

Brace yourselves Warwick - The 'Sods are back in town!

Hey hey we're off to Warwick this weekend! (And we'll make sure our banjo player is given the right directions!)

The 28th Warwick Folk Festival kicks off this Friday (27 July) and it has loads of great guests - Seth Lakeman, Osibisa, Altan... 'Yeah yeah yeah,' I hear you say, 'but what we really want to know is when are The Oddsods playing?'

Well, you can find us on Friday night at the Living Tradition Centre - that's one of the venues in the grounds of Warwick School on Myton Road. We're the final act of the evening concert, following Mick Holditch, Ceridwen Davies, Ninepenny Mark and Chris Aronsten. Estimated start time for our set is 10.30pm.

And on Saturday night, we're hosting an 'Oddsods and Friends'-type event at The Roebuck on Smith Street, Warwick, 8-11pm. Billed as 'A Rare Old Time with The Oddsods', it'll be a little like our regular Denbigh Arms sessions. Admission is free and the key is G!

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