Tuesday 1 January 2008

After another momentous year, it's time to look forward to new plans and resolutions.

Perhaps this will be the year of the new album. Or the year we add lots of new material to the repertoire (we have been adding some!) Or the year we eventually get paid for the gig we did last October at Molly O'Grady's!

We finished off 2007 in great style at the Denbigh Arms, Monks Kirby. The room was packed with Christmas refugees and the band (minus Paul who had his own gig in Phuket) was joined by some excellent 'And Friends': Colin Squire (guitar & vox), Martin Bushnell (fiddle), Minty (cello), JP (banjo), Banjo Dave (guess the instrument), Caroline Sampson (recorder and whistles), Jack Shuttleworth (harp and squeezebox) and former Oddsod Nigel Ward on the fiddle (don't tell the taxman!).

We've noticed that the pub now has a permanent notice on the wall by the lounge entrance which says we're there on the last Sunday of every month - so it looks like the regular gig carries on this year.

Tomorrow (Wednesday) sees us back at another regular gig - first Wednesday of the new year at the Ride-A-Cock-Horse Folk Club at the Arts Centre in Banbury and always a treat, for us anyway and hopefully for the audience as well!

Thanks to all who have supported us, followed our fortunes, joined in with our sessions at the Denbigh and at Warwick Folk Festival, bought our CDs (in some cases more than one copy after wearing out the first one!), booked us for their weddings, birthdays, retirements and other excuses for parties, yelled 'more!!' at the end of our gigs, and generally made it such fun to be an Oddsod! Here's to another fun-packed year or many 'alves!

Happy New Year!!!